1 min read5 days ago


Don't stay on the surface, my friend. It's very easy to believe that it's the governments or the evil right-wing politicians who invented this. But that's not the case. From the moment humans began to organize themselves into tribes, they decided, everywhere, who could or could not live with them in their "territory." So do animals, after all, we are one of them. Over time, tribes gave way to larger collectives, and then to nations. Therefore, just as you decide who enters your home and who doesn't, societies also have the right to regulate who and how they live in the territory where they have their homes, their families, their crops, their jobs, etc. It's for simple security, in the same way that someone who commits a crime is put in jail.

Therefore, does someone born in, for example, Ireland, have the right to live in North America? In principle yes, but if there are already Indians in the place where he wants to build a house, and this Irishman, instead of respecting those who are already there, integrating and not causing problems, dedicates himself to robbing them, insulting them and even attacking them or imposing his religion on them, then things are more questionable. Don't you think?




Written by JOHNNY ZURI

RETRO - FUTURISTA - VINTAGE Escribo historias sexys, eróticas, escandalosas, y políticamente incorrectas, a partir de noticias de actualidad.

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